Sunday Schedule
Divine Service - 9 a.m.
Education Hour for all ages - 10:30 a.m.
At Messiah Lutheran in Seattle, you will hear how the Father saved mankind through His Son Jesus Christ, in Whom we trust by the work of the Spirit. You will find Christians of all ages who love the Lord and one another because He first loved us. We study our Lord’s teaching, which is delightful, clear, knowable, and easily accessed in the Holy Bible: the inerrant Word of God. As members of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS), we do not waver from what is written in the Lutheran Confessions because they accurately restate this same biblical teaching. Because we want our families to know this truth, we seek to hand down this faith to our children through historic traditions. Finally, since we care about those outside the Church, we are eager to support mission work and evangelism both locally and abroad.